About Karolyn Boyd and UPROOT

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All of created existence is drunk on the Heart

The entire cosmos is a toy in its hands.

All the nine levels of the spheres of Heaven

Are only two short steps for the Heart.


- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi

My story


Over time, very progressively, very subtly, with harmful and negative effects, I found myself moving further and further away from my very essence, my natural instinctive psyche. I was growing distant from my true nature, something sacred, and I felt a dis-ease. Like being let down, falling short of expectations, and disheartened. There was a feeling of disconnection, for whatever reason, to the wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal Inner Center within me.


As a result, my physical body became very sick. I had an ah-ha moment, an essential mindset shift, and I knew this paradigm transformation was crucial for achieving success in every area of my life. I was existing rather than living.  I realized that this was an emergency for my soul. The sirens of the ambulance were growing closer and closer. I had to do something, because life is so short, and I felt I had wasted enough time already. I also knew I was rotting and dying inside, as the reek started to smell very foul and was revolting.


I knew that I needed to take full ownership of my decisions and the outcomes in my life. You are 100% responsible for your life and the end-results you experience, regardless of external factors. I knew that this was part of my healing journey, and embraced the situation with courage as I remained grateful, understanding that the universe throws obstacles our way, before unlocking a profound transformation in our lives. Although time passed for this, the healing was drawing near, and I felt miraculous, hopeful, and warm.


Somehow I stumbled upon my spiritual coach, who swiftly led me in the right direction, and assisted to veer me towards my desired destination. I learned about many of the tools which would help me towards my goal, which I also share with you today. I cleared my life, and learned to surrender my job, my husband, my identity, and all which contributed to my confusion of my knowledge of self. I did much inner work and addressed the depth of my psyche. I gradually began to know myself in this new way.


I finally found her! The Goddess who returned to my instinctive life - along with the deepest knowing. This letting go allowed me to explore many laws of the universe, and allowed me to access many truths, and I received countless gifts which I am thankful for. I now have a deep reverence for life, as I completely understand our divinity and interconnection, and am grateful for everything virtuous in my life.


This is what brought me here in my life today, to show people in relationship with someone that does not align with their future self how to release their trauma, which caused conditioning that brought about limiting beliefs that no longer serve their Highest Selves, and currently run and limit their lives.


If this so calls to you, I invite you to discover Blueprint Makeover Mastery, and book a discovery call with me. Become a lotus, firmly rooted within your murky depths, and embark on a journey of profound metamorphosis breaking through the muddy waters to unfurl a stunning bloom.

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I am Karolyn Boyd! I'm here to help you leave your relationship in a graceful, peaceful, and non-dramatic way so you can live your most aligned life.  With embodiment trauma release coaching, you will learn to navigate emotional triggers with greater ease, rewrite the stories holding you back, and blossom into your full potential. 

If you’ve tried it all and are now specifically looking to address trauma.

Or your therapy has plateaued, and you are craving a greater sense of freedom.

Or you want a collaborative, somatic technique to enhance your current therapy.

Then it’s time to benefit from subtle body trauma release!

This is not therapy, and I am not a licensed therapist nor am I offering counseling services. I am a trauma release embodiment coach and rehabilitate dysregulated nervous systems. In fact, we don’t ever need to talk about what happened. We are primarily concerned with the sensation in the body when past trauma is triggered by something in the present.

You will learn to trust your body and enhance your intuition. Your body will become your best friend and you will feel more grounded, more present, and less reactive. The first symptom you will feel is feel lighter.

I offer listening, benevolence, clarity. I can lead, collaborate, support and be there with you to set you free!


Book your free consultation below to get started!

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